
Perfect Belly Bump

My beautiful friend Kelly let me spend the afternoon getting some fun shots of her and her family to document this season in their lives. Shots of Baby H to come soon!

Baby Love

It is such a joy for me to go to families homes to photograph their newborn babies. What a gift to be able to "enter into" this sweet time. Thank you all for having me in your home and for allowing me to photograph your babies!

"Gee I really love you and we're gonna get married"

This couple had the shortest engagement of any of my couples....2 weeks! I love their love story and I loved being a part of their day!



What a sweet family I got to hang out with at the park a few weekends ago. Check out the beautiful eyes on these children!


Matt and Laura

Congratulations Matt and Laura! We had such fun weekend celebrating with our friends in Hilton Head last weekend. What a beautiful wedding it was!